
Rex Gregory’s Senior Recital

May 15th, 2002



  1. Intro — Download (0.4 MB)
  2. Mass Transit — Download (11.0 MB)
  3. Delfayo's Dilemma — Download (7.0 MB)
  4. Ethereal — Download (9.5 MB)
  5. E.S.P. — Download (10.0 MB)
  6. Interaction-J Mood's Afro Pic — Download (8.2 MB)
  7. Sing a Song of Song — Download (12.7 MB)


Matthew Mullenweg - May 5, 2002 3:45
This is a really excellent recital. E.S.P and Sing a Song of Song are amazing. Enjoy!
gabriel duncan - August 8, 2002 1:35
The original compositions are really hip. The playing is kiling. Rex Gregory sounds like Jesus Christ on the saxohphone.
Jose Perez - February 2, 2003 5:46
Wow! Rex and the group are amazing. Look out for these guys in the future.
Billy Williams - March 3, 2003 8:16
YO! That was hot! My personal favorite song was Mass Transit! Was that an original? I go to School at the Governor's School for the Arts and was doing little researh on the other schools in the North Texas Jazz Festival! Good Stuff! I truly enjoyed it, man! Please e-mail me back on what you are doing now? I'd love to hear from you!
Nikola Tomic - September 9, 2003 8:31
I first heard you at the Skidmore Jazz institute in 2000. Keep making it happen like you and a select few can.
p. mood - September 9, 2003 4:38
man, i thought this recital was PHAT. they deliver their own "new school" style and it swings hard. E.S.P. is orgasmic...
elissa - February 2, 2005 7:25
holy shit.
anonymous - April 4, 2005 8:51
wow! are u sure you were in high school wen u did this??
Brian McClean - April 4, 2007 3:13
You were incredible today at the New Orleans Jazz fest. Coltrane lives!
Grayson Creely - January 1, 2008 4:22
man, I wish PVA sounded like this today.
jack parsons - November 11, 2008 2:54
this guy is my theory teacher! how awesome is that!?

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